

didn't have to work today, but still had to go to my store to pick up lots of boxes. completely exhausted now and will probably fall asleep watching a movie.


in memory

i just ate a bowl of vegetarian chili after spending my day at two bbqs where i ate alot of chips and guacamole. 

the countdown begins to the move out. 


people suck

it was in the works for me to pick up a banana seat bike from this girl on craigslist  last saturday. she blew me off and sold it to someone else.


throw it all away

at the end of this month i will be moving to bushwick to live in a huge loft for $200 cheaper than where i live now. 

i hate money.



 past two days i have been working at a friend's, cutting 90 fifteen yard long strips of jersey cotton to dye the spectrum of colors for our windows. i like working from home.


clock radios

at work we are submerging clock radios into plaster for one of our concepts. i've never used plaster before but now i want to work with it all the time. 



tallahassee made me feel empty. what used to be does not exist anymore. it is sad that there are some people who really try to hold onto the past.



in tallahassee. noticing how this town seems even more depressing than when i lived here. everyone is satisfied staying in this closed off bubble. there isn't anyone left who wants more.


glass candy

My flag boy told your flag boy:

I'm gonna set your flag on fire.

See that guy all dressed in green ?

He's not a man; he's a lovin' machine.


dixie cups

Look at my king all dressed in red.

I-KO, I-KO, un-day.

I bet-cha five dollars he'll kill you dead.

My flag boy and your flag boy

Were sittin' by the fire.


sugar boy

My grandma and your grandma
Were sittin' by the fire. 
My grandma told your grandma:
I'm gonna set your flag on fire.

Hey now ! Hey now ! I-KO, I-KO, un-day